UNESCO Headquarters | Copy editing of the publication Respuestas de las Ciudades Creativas de la UNESCO a la COVID-19


UNESCO Headquarters | Provided a report on regional cultural policies for the Cultural Policies and Development Unit


International Arab Spring Festival | Provided technical assistance for the first reunion of the Steering Committee at UNESCO Headquarters

International Jazz Day | Provided technical assistance for the celebration of the first annual International Jazz Day at UNESCO Headquarters


UNESCO Award of Excellence Andean Region | Acted as liaison and interpreter for craft masters attending the Maison&Objet Fair in Paris

Knowledge Management Project of the Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund (MDG-F) | Provided the text for the brochure about the Joint Programs implemented in Latin America under the Culture and Development Thematic Window


Travel to Learn Arts and Crafts UNESCO - Fondation Culture et Diversité | Provided technical assistance for the launching of the program

UNESCO Award of Excellence | Revised evaluation criteria and provided technical assistance for the first itinerant exhibition in the Province of Chubut, Argentina


First UNESCO World Forum on Culture and Cultural Industries | Acted as liaison with participants from Latin America and the Caribbean, produced and translated content, provided assistance for the coordination of website content and the follow up of activities at UNESCO Headquarters and the Royal Villa of Monza


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